Thứ Tư, tháng 3 11, 2009

[Archived] G13 Direction in 2008

Looking back one year before I left the G13 unit into my trusted colleagues, I have tried all the time to do the best thing for the whole FSO company and G13. At the time of handover, I wrote a direction for G13 in 2008 and strongly hope it would be another successful year. Things turned out a bit up-side-down but I wonder is it still worthy to follow the same direction for this new year 2009.



G13 Direction in 2008

G13 is in the 4th place among all operation groups (including P1) in term of Revenue in 2007; we achieve the standard profitability defined by FSOFT. However, we have to sacrifice many efforts and suffer from management headache for having more-than-norm people in the group. We lose in the battle of group point in every single business term such as busy rate, effort efficiency, business point and (I guess) members’ satisfaction, hence, the low income for each individual member of G13.

Many good members will have to work very hard for compensate for the so-so, or at least not-so-busy ones. This will lead to unfair situation while making compensation and result in severe current and future problems of HR work.

BIG CHANGES need to be made to restore the confidence of those hard-work members, to bring higher value and contribution to FSOFT, to step up into top 3 of best groups in FSOFT.

From that point of view, I would like to sketch out the following actions in 2008 for G13 to gain better position in term of business:

01. Building a strong sales team who can continuously learn and develop a diversified customer portfolio, ensuring a smooth and controllable stream of work from both Japan and other worldwide sales market. The team needs a spirit of “DEVOTION TO CUSTOMER”.

02. Compact HR, release free-time members to RAC at the beginning, and help them to enjoy better opportunities and promotion in other FSOFT Gx. Start from small task force with full energy and synergy; fully rely on the support from RAC operation. Go “LAZY LOAD” slogan.

03. Build a strong and efficient back-office with focus on HR activities and the readiness for FACE-TO-FACE CONTACT to customers; bring the most valuable supports to benefit not only G13 members but also our customers directly. We also ensure a creative, enjoyable working and socializing environment for every G13 member.

04. Educate members on the RIGHT ATTITUDE to work for Japanese customers in G13, create more chances for members to increase technical skill and professionalism, and apply the strict regulation to protect and differentiate dedicated, hard-work, long-term committed members from other temporaries and opportunists.

05. Create more rooms, more opportunities for young members from G13 to speak out their desire, to take the business challenges and to learn how to work effectively. We build new divisions; always OPEN & SHARE to any potential young members to support them to become a GSU (Group Strategic Unit) to take higher responsibility for accomplish work-orders from our customers. Division should be more independent and ultimately responsible for its Operation to achieve the desired revenue.


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