Chủ Nhật, tháng 3 08, 2009

[Archived] “Chat” Androids v.s “Workaholic” robots!!!

Bắt đầu già, nghĩ nhiều hơn hồi trước chuyện quá khứ và start lưu trữ lại những bài viết đã từng viết năm trước đây trong quá trình công việc cho các loại báo chí, chủ yếu là báo nội san công ty (vì các báo khác tìm lại hơi khó).

Hy vọng lưu trữ lại ở đây, mỗi năm già thêm một tuổi thì có thể có một cái gì đó để nhìn về cả cuộc đời mình.


FSOFT Cucumber, WE ABOUT US, số 36 Dec 2004

“Chat” Androids v.s “Workaholic” robots!!!

In this issue, I would like to introduce a “workaholic” robot’s view on “chat” androids. In the next issue, you will see a “chat” android’s view on “workaholic” robot. You can take part in this game before my next writing, voicing your own tone in this cucumber column.

Chat Androids

In a corner of FSoft, the keyboard sounds “tack, tack, tack” incessantly suggests that a real FSoft soldier/fighter, who is working diligently for either the coming deadline of the software delivery in his project or the final line of code that he did put all his passion in. That sounds break a temporary still-life[1] in FSoft at 9.15 am that day.

10.30 am Tuesday, almost all the PCs are turned on and release all the buzzzzzz sounds. There are some blank-screens scattering elsewhere, meaning their owners did not manage to get up to go to work yet. The keyboard sound is vibrating in the glass-contained atmosphere of HITC, especially from that corner again. "OMG[2]! It is the reason why FSoft was making its magic leap in business, isn't it?” A manager came by. The two key figures, which are thumb and index, just quickly ping on the Alt-Tab keys. Unfortunately, eye-glance is always thrown out faster. The great pretender resumes chatting in minutes after that moment.

Internet is a big discovery of the human being. Being able to communicate through voice tel is boring and unsecured at all in a working environment. ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, AOL instant message and dozen of chat tools out there are making the world of information available instantly as in these tools' name. Hand, able to talking to another hand, is certainly a big leap for privacy protection. In FSoft, these great tools bring even more significant values such as instant customer support, instant project internal communication, instant noodle and instant lunch alarm.

However, I myself, see that it did give birth to a new type, co-existent with all FSofters, "Chat Machines" or a better polite word, "Chat Androids". Days after days, these chat androids, spend more time to play the keyboard sonata in an instant message window than to work on any projects. They reject to learn any new things to fill the gaps in their knowledge/head. They drag their lives through their colleagues' work of the projects. These androids have self-developed, special motorized tongues to speedily twist whenever the alarm is ringing about productivity reduction within their projects. It has never been the instant message fault, but always something or somebody’s fault. That's nature of these androids, that’s their behavior. Other than this "Instant message" manner, these androids act and work exactly as other colleagues, who are working diligently for a higher position, better paid, larger knowledge and overall, a more productive business. They are developers, testers and managers who know how to control their lives, how to use their times effectively and best of all, how to become the instant messengers' master. Those androids, who failed, are slaves controlled by the Instant Messenger King (I might says YM). I wish one day that we, together, can at least develop a new software control switch to inject into these androids' mind the following 3 modified Asimov’ laws

01. A Chat Android may not harm project quality/productivity, or, through inaction, allow project quality/productivity being to come to harm.

02. A Chat Android must obey the orders given it by project leaders except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

03. A Chat Android must only protect its own face as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

In a broader view, FSoft is a great organization and with the ambition of its General Director (Nguyen Thanh Nam), it should be organized as an army, or at least consist of some uniform forces and some guerrilla forces. It was the good old day and I, myself, did not give away my head to that belief. Army men did great thing in the war and possibly do the great thing in peace keeping, even in economic development. The fact also shows that FSoft, sometimes, achieve that great strength and spirit. G1, the biggest force of FSoft, which could be considered as the only uniform force with skillful soldiers and colonels nowadays have accepted to learn its first lesson "living with chat androids". If saying G1 is the symbol of FSoft "uniform forces", this great team of heroes is the worst army that I have ever known. No timing, no rule, and no teamwork! Some squad/platoon heads often appear at work after 9, even later. So do other soldiers. Many soldiers are battling hard to get their tasks done while some others, even in the same team are just playing instant message sonata again.

Having opportunities to go onsite, working in several great organizations/companies, I understood why in those organizations they prohibit or at least, limit the usage of YM and other chat tools. It is their humanity to protect their employees from being transformed into such life dragging androids.

Workaholic robot

(to be continued)

Ký tên: A workaholic robot

[1] Still –life because only few people presented at that timeL

[2] OMG: Oh My Goodness J

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