It has been a long time that I did nearly forget a place like this on the web for me and family. Coming into a new year, it will be a difficult one for me. My wife and I expecting a child very soon, probably around 18-Feb-2005. It is considered ORANGE alert right now. God bless us. She is still very fine with the baby and I do want to share with her all of the difficulties:). Today 24-Jan-05, she took an 3D ultrasonography and all seemed fine with her and the baby. We are counting each day.
In my work, a new big challenge as well. I decided to left my current division (D2) after a very successful and rewarding year of 2004 with more than 170.000 USD net profit. All the fruits of the coming years will probably get off, out of my hand. Just a bit sorrow, though. I move to new group, younger but less experienced and hoping to deal with a brand new customers, Japanese one instead of my old pals, UK and Europe.
English, which is used to be my big advantage, now becomes obstacle in communication with Japanese customers.
Learning to say hello is difficult even when I got 2 years studying Japanese in the past. It was almost 6 years since I did not use a Japanese word.
Hope it would be fine. Otherwise, I am completely broke this year.