Keep moving!!! About me, about Mai, Chip and Un. About everything an ever online guy could think of to write...
Chủ Nhật, tháng 8 07, 2005
Chip at his bath time...
His daddy has just taken Chip's photos when he was "naked":-D. He looks sooooo cute. We love our baby son!!!

Thứ Tư, tháng 8 03, 2005
Hoan ho, Chíp của bo me da biet truon roi...
Chi con mot tuan nua la Chíp tron 6 thang roi. Mẹ mung lam va cung đang rat lo lang chuan bi cho Chip tap an dam day. Chip da biet truon tu luc 5 thang 10 ngay va bay gio da truon nhoay nhoay. Nhin con "vat va" truon khap giuong me lai thay con vua buon cuoi, vua đang yeu. Tiec la nhung khoanh khac con truon lai khong the hien duoc tren anh, de sau nay con co the biet duoc minh truon trong ngo the nao con nhỉ...
Tuy nhien, con cung bat dau biet doi mot cach quyet liet hon. Neu khong duoc nhu y, con het am len hay doi khi lai khoc toang len. Con cung biet doi be bang cach truon nhanh den cho nguoi than va gio het ca hai tay, hai chan len troi, moi thi mam lai. Ba thi chieu con, dap ung ngay cac doi hoi cua con. Me va bo thi khong muon the, bo me khong muon con doi be nhieu, bo me muon con tu lap va dan di. Chip duong nhu hieu duoc tat ca. OI," thanh nien" CHip dang yeu qua...
Lan nay me chi chup duoc cho Chip moi kieu anh nay, luc day Chip tuong me dung len mua may cho Chip xem nen Chip chuan bi "tinh than" lam hihi...
Tuy nhien, con cung bat dau biet doi mot cach quyet liet hon. Neu khong duoc nhu y, con het am len hay doi khi lai khoc toang len. Con cung biet doi be bang cach truon nhanh den cho nguoi than va gio het ca hai tay, hai chan len troi, moi thi mam lai. Ba thi chieu con, dap ung ngay cac doi hoi cua con. Me va bo thi khong muon the, bo me khong muon con doi be nhieu, bo me muon con tu lap va dan di. Chip duong nhu hieu duoc tat ca. OI," thanh nien" CHip dang yeu qua...
Lan nay me chi chup duoc cho Chip moi kieu anh nay, luc day Chip tuong me dung len mua may cho Chip xem nen Chip chuan bi "tinh than" lam hihi...
Thứ Ba, tháng 7 19, 2005
Chip and "friends" at Ba Ngoai's house
Last Sartuday, we brought Chip to visit Ba Ngoai (mum's mother). Mum's friends brought their children to visit Chip. They had much funny times "playing together":

Father has taken photos of Chip:

Father has taken photos of Chip:
Chip at 5 months...
Our Chip seems to grow up quickly. Now he knows to cry out loud when he is unpleased with us. He is still trying to walk on his all fours. There are more pictures that his mum has captured while he was playing with fruit bottle.

Thứ Sáu, tháng 6 24, 2005
Chip turning over!!!
Today, our Chip is 4 months and 2 weeks. He has learnt to roll over since he was 3 months and 2 weeks. Now he is trying to walk on all fours. It looks so funny. Following are some photos his mother has captured:

Chip got funny time with his parents:

Chip got funny time with his parents:
Thứ Năm, tháng 4 14, 2005
Tomorrow Chip will be home
Tomorrow Chip will be back home after a full-month staying with "Ngoai". Ngoai must be missing him much as she always spend hours talking with him when she returns from work and before she goes sleep.
Chip got a briliant playtime with his father as following

Chip got a briliant playtime with his father as following
Thứ Tư, tháng 3 30, 2005
Chip 's been to "Ngoai" for 2 weeks
It has been another 2 weeks that I think the most busiest time since our Chip was born. He and Mai have been back to "Ngoai", a kind of traditional custom of almost every Vietnamese wife. I shuttle back and forth from home to "Ngoai" every night, which sometimes made me tired. At 6 week old, our Chip is really a "teenage". He seems to know when he wants to have "heavy output" and even what time to go to bed as well. At 10.30pm to 11.00pm, he always start to "ask" everybody to carry him around and around 11.30pm to 12.00 am, he fall asleep soundly as his parents. For working days, he used to get up at around 7.00 and for weekends, he wake up late with his parents as well, at 9.00 am of Sunday morning. WoW! Grandmother oftens highly appreciate Chip and says that my teenage Chip.
He knows everything around him, really.
I post some more photos of "day thang" when Chip received presents from everybody and even "Uncle" Sarah and Paul from UK who I know extremely busy at work but still spent time shopping a lot of babywear for our Chip. Sarah and Paul are so kind, I worked with Sarah on a project named CMS together in UK. It has been 4 years since I met Sarah and she is still so kind and sweet. I hope one day, I could take Chip and my wife to come and visit her in her cosy semi-detached house where I once had dinner with her and her Paul.
Well, now some more photo.
Grandfather, "grand uncle",Suzuki Ayano and Chip's father in Chip's party
Chip and his father both felt sleep before bedtime (My wife took this sudden photo)

Chip at 6 week old, talking to people. "Ngoai" said she becomes more talkative than ever since everyday she has to talk to Chip.

And after bath, a full satisfactory:
He knows everything around him, really.
I post some more photos of "day thang" when Chip received presents from everybody and even "Uncle" Sarah and Paul from UK who I know extremely busy at work but still spent time shopping a lot of babywear for our Chip. Sarah and Paul are so kind, I worked with Sarah on a project named CMS together in UK. It has been 4 years since I met Sarah and she is still so kind and sweet. I hope one day, I could take Chip and my wife to come and visit her in her cosy semi-detached house where I once had dinner with her and her Paul.
Well, now some more photo.
Grandfather, "grand uncle",Suzuki Ayano and Chip's father in Chip's party
Chip and his father both felt sleep before bedtime (My wife took this sudden photo)
Chip at 6 week old, talking to people. "Ngoai" said she becomes more talkative than ever since everyday she has to talk to Chip.
And after bath, a full satisfactory:
Thứ Hai, tháng 3 14, 2005
1 full month party of Chip
Yesterday and today were memorable days for all of us. We organize 2 small lunch parties for Chip to celebrate his 1 full -month party. Scientifically, he did not know all tha buzzle things but everyone was happy to come and gave our "Chip" all the best, all the helps and all the joyfullness. To avoid the old time of his father, I decided to start and build Chip 's "social capital" from now on since that seems the only thing currently we could affort to do for him. The "real" capital needs taking a longer time and he should conquer that on his own.
We love Chip so much and could sacrifice anything for him.
Please friends, enjoy some of the photos. All the "Ngoai" (10 members, only Mai Ly was absent) and the "Noi" (Uncle Thuan was also absent) were cheering for Chip.
In the second days (Sunday), Chip become quite international when having "co" Suzuki Ayano (a Japanese colleague of Chip's dad) attending the party and giving Chip a wonderful gift.
The party and Chips' grand father (ong noi) giving speeches, great grand father sitting in the corner.

It's Cheering time between "ong noi" and neighborhood friends

Chip lying on his own in the basket presented by grand mother in law and grand Long.

Bathtime for Chip. (grand Nhan and grand father is helping him to "swim")

We love Chip so much and could sacrifice anything for him.
Please friends, enjoy some of the photos. All the "Ngoai" (10 members, only Mai Ly was absent) and the "Noi" (Uncle Thuan was also absent) were cheering for Chip.
In the second days (Sunday), Chip become quite international when having "co" Suzuki Ayano (a Japanese colleague of Chip's dad) attending the party and giving Chip a wonderful gift.
The party and Chips' grand father (ong noi) giving speeches, great grand father sitting in the corner.
It's Cheering time between "ong noi" and neighborhood friends
Chip lying on his own in the basket presented by grand mother in law and grand Long.
Bathtime for Chip. (grand Nhan and grand father is helping him to "swim")
Chủ Nhật, tháng 2 20, 2005
Chip "rung ron"
This weekend, Chip seems to feel not very well due to "rung ron" I suppose. However, his ability to overcome the moment with a very little help from us is an encouraging factor for us. We love him so much. Ah. We can not trick him with the faked nipple anymore in the second try when we replaced the nappies for him. Just one week-old boy but I think his little hand is able to blow away such nipple. His grandfather was also surprise when he used his little hands again to reject the milk bottle after being fed with 3/4.
The picture below taken him and his mother (Mai, my lovely wife) after he fell back asleep after nappy replacement.

The picture below taken him and his mother (Mai, my lovely wife) after he fell back asleep after nappy replacement.
Thứ Ba, tháng 2 15, 2005
My baby home
The baby is home after one day in the hospital since its sanity and service are not as good as usual during the Tet holiday. I had to sign the committment to take full responsibility for my wife and my son when taking them home earlier than the hospital's regulation. So do other fathers.
The first night was a tiring memory for both of us since we could not even manage to sleep for a single hour. Our "Chip" kept his parents busy all that night long:). The second day went rather well and we are both comfortably caring for all his need and still manage to preserve our health for the coming "protracted course", the course of being good parents.
My wife's pain is still not very well-healed. She is a bit tired and painful after giving birth to our son. I understood she is trying very hard to get well soon to take care of our lovely son to her fullest capability. I love her for such self-dertemination characteristic that I promised to stay with her for 3 days (off of my current work ~90%) from 14-Feb till 16-Feb-05, exclusively. Tomorrow, I will have to go to the "C" hospital to finish all official procedures related to my wife and son.
Below are some photos she took when I fed Chip and some that I took when Chip comfortably settled in his cradle.

The first night was a tiring memory for both of us since we could not even manage to sleep for a single hour. Our "Chip" kept his parents busy all that night long:). The second day went rather well and we are both comfortably caring for all his need and still manage to preserve our health for the coming "protracted course", the course of being good parents.
My wife's pain is still not very well-healed. She is a bit tired and painful after giving birth to our son. I understood she is trying very hard to get well soon to take care of our lovely son to her fullest capability. I love her for such self-dertemination characteristic that I promised to stay with her for 3 days (off of my current work ~90%) from 14-Feb till 16-Feb-05, exclusively. Tomorrow, I will have to go to the "C" hospital to finish all official procedures related to my wife and son.
Below are some photos she took when I fed Chip and some that I took when Chip comfortably settled in his cradle.
Thứ Sáu, tháng 2 11, 2005
My son was born today
Oh well. Hello world.
My son was born today. He is so cute that I think I found difficult to sleep without seeing his face. My wife is OK. Both are now sleeping soundly in the "C" hospital, a quite famous one in Hanoi.
I got some photos of him from my Nokia 6600 and I will post to the blog a bit later.
Let's wish all the best to him and his mother.
It is the 3-Jan-2005 of Lunar year (11-Feb-2005 Solar year) that is normally the last day of our traditional Tet holiday.
I promise myself to be a very good father to him.
The following photos of our son Tran Duc Khang (his nick name is Chip) were taken within 1 hour after his birth.

My son was born today. He is so cute that I think I found difficult to sleep without seeing his face. My wife is OK. Both are now sleeping soundly in the "C" hospital, a quite famous one in Hanoi.
I got some photos of him from my Nokia 6600 and I will post to the blog a bit later.
Let's wish all the best to him and his mother.
It is the 3-Jan-2005 of Lunar year (11-Feb-2005 Solar year) that is normally the last day of our traditional Tet holiday.
I promise myself to be a very good father to him.
The following photos of our son Tran Duc Khang (his nick name is Chip) were taken within 1 hour after his birth.
Thứ Hai, tháng 1 24, 2005
New Year - New Challenge (2005)
It has been a long time that I did nearly forget a place like this on the web for me and family. Coming into a new year, it will be a difficult one for me. My wife and I expecting a child very soon, probably around 18-Feb-2005. It is considered ORANGE alert right now. God bless us. She is still very fine with the baby and I do want to share with her all of the difficulties:). Today 24-Jan-05, she took an 3D ultrasonography and all seemed fine with her and the baby. We are counting each day.
In my work, a new big challenge as well. I decided to left my current division (D2) after a very successful and rewarding year of 2004 with more than 170.000 USD net profit. All the fruits of the coming years will probably get off, out of my hand. Just a bit sorrow, though. I move to new group, younger but less experienced and hoping to deal with a brand new customers, Japanese one instead of my old pals, UK and Europe.
English, which is used to be my big advantage, now becomes obstacle in communication with Japanese customers.
Learning to say hello is difficult even when I got 2 years studying Japanese in the past. It was almost 6 years since I did not use a Japanese word.
Hope it would be fine. Otherwise, I am completely broke this year.
It has been a long time that I did nearly forget a place like this on the web for me and family. Coming into a new year, it will be a difficult one for me. My wife and I expecting a child very soon, probably around 18-Feb-2005. It is considered ORANGE alert right now. God bless us. She is still very fine with the baby and I do want to share with her all of the difficulties:). Today 24-Jan-05, she took an 3D ultrasonography and all seemed fine with her and the baby. We are counting each day.
In my work, a new big challenge as well. I decided to left my current division (D2) after a very successful and rewarding year of 2004 with more than 170.000 USD net profit. All the fruits of the coming years will probably get off, out of my hand. Just a bit sorrow, though. I move to new group, younger but less experienced and hoping to deal with a brand new customers, Japanese one instead of my old pals, UK and Europe.
English, which is used to be my big advantage, now becomes obstacle in communication with Japanese customers.
Learning to say hello is difficult even when I got 2 years studying Japanese in the past. It was almost 6 years since I did not use a Japanese word.
Hope it would be fine. Otherwise, I am completely broke this year.
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